Thursday, December 9, 2010

Small business entrepreneurs alive and well in the West
Summary by Cathy & Cecilia

The deveoplement of enthusiastic and optimistic entrepreneurs for their prospects, is a major reason as to why cities and regions in Western Canada continue to hold most of the top spots of the third annual FP/CFIB ranking of Canada's top 100 entrepreneurial cities. Cities from Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia are nine of the top ten while Grande Prairie is in first place. The only Eastern city in the top 10 is Saint Georges, Quebec on the other hand is at ninth place. The highest ranked region in Ontario is the Greater Toronto Area which is unforturnately, at a disappointing twenty.

There are plently of openings for entrepreneurs with new ideas for taking current ideas and expanding from them. However, there are still some challenges in major industrial areas such as in Ontario and Quebec. Small firms do well, those who rely on major supply chains on the other hand, will be facing many problems. If entrepreneurs are unable to earn one million dollars within two weeks, their projects are most likely to be unsuccessful. Ontario is a disadvantage today relative to Alberta and Saskachewan because very few people will put up with how difficult it was to do start or operate business in that area. Some of the hardest-hit cities in the recession such as the auto manufacturing centre will need a culture change if they want to attract entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs go to where the money is, therefore, it is not surprising that Western Canada shows greater success rates.

Benjamin Dalziel and Joseph Fecciola are two independant business owners who left Ontario to open up a food and wine tour business. The concept is a guided three hour walking tour that includes a four course dinner spread across four resturants. Although they are worried about many financial problems, they are motiviated to start their business in Toronto while the economy is starting to crumble. Eventually many of the high price resturants in Whistler wanted to get involved with their business tour.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The demand for iPhone 4 has been increasing day by day, while supplies are still yet to come. Everywhere across the globe, there has been huge line ups in front of stores and even around the block. Some line ups are formed even as early as 5 am in the morning. In every country, and city, stories are the same; the demand of iPhone 4 has outstripped supply. Apple doesn't have enough supply of the phone to match the number of customers that line up outside the stores. Majority of wireless companies are sold out of have limited quantities of the phone. There companies include Rogers Communications, Bell Canada and Telus are advising customers to call the stores or go to the company websites to find out the more information about the phone. Rogers was sold out of iPhones and sent updates on Twitter, as well as their blog regarding the phone. There were many complaints building up about the shortage of iPhone. Bell Canada and Telus are also limited in quantities but Bell is accepting $50 deposits. Apple has no explanation as to why there is shortage on iPhones and suggest customers call local stores to find out more information about stock. It could possibly take days, if not weeks, before Apple is able to mange equilibrium between supply and demand.


Apple's latest and most impressive smart phone iPhone 4 has reached a increasingly high demand. However, many wireless company's as well as Apple stores are short in supply. It's not that apple is unable to establish equilibrium between the supply and demand of the phone. The reason why Apple is creating a shortage in supply; they want to keep the price constant. For that reason, Apple will still be gaining profit without having to decrease their prices. As more and more people purchase iPhone 4, fewer amounts of this phone will be available in the market. The price range for this phone is high but consumers continue to have strong demand for this product. The increase in demand caused by the decrease in supply resulted in increase in prices and increase in quantity exchanged.


Surprisingly, I use was one of those people who lined up in front of an Apple store for hours. It took me approximately 5 attempts to finally get my phone. After reading this article it made me realize how annoying it is to many other people as well. I was frustrated when i had to wait for my phone and finding out they were out of stock. I think they should at least provide some sort of information about the iPhone stock in advance. Other than that, I can still relate to the reason as to why they choose to have a shortage in supply. This increases their demand and still allows them to maintain a high price on the iPhone. I think the iPhone will continue remain very popular for a while because the white version will soon be available in stores as well.

Friday, September 17, 2010

NEWS RELEASE: Water Shortages Put Asian Power Sector at Risk


Many places in South and Southeast Asia use thermal and hydroelectric power plants that require large amounts of water, for cooling and generation. Unfortunately, more than half of the existing and planned power plants are located in areas that are currently considered water scarce. Due to the water shortage, places such as India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are at great risk. Water plays a big role in these countries and the fact that there is a limited resource of it greatly impacts the food and beverage sector. Majority of the water shortage put India's power generation companies in the highest risk. More than 60 percent of planned power plants of the three largest power generation companies in India are located in water scarce areas. A senior associate from World's Resource Institute says that power sector investors and analysts' long term bets on future water supply might no longer be reliable. Also mentioning that they need to start considering long-term investment strategies. Many companies are managing these risks and at the same time are trying to cooperate with investors, suggesting that they understand the specific steps to optimize water use at the plant level.


Chapter one has a whole page covered on the topic of how water is important and is a scarce resource. Water is an important resource in a variety of ways, especially when it comes to food and beverages, modern conveniences, as well as power supply. Which leads to the main topic of the article I've chosen; the affects of water shortage on Asian power sectors. Countries in South and Southeast Asia are currently facing water shortage that is putting their usage of power plants for cooling and generation at risk. Water plays an important role in the countries of Asia, especially since it's affecting their power sector. However the textbook states that to Canadians, water is more important for everyday usages such as shower uses, toilet uses, dishwasher uses as well as garden hose uses. Another connection is scarcity, water is without a doubt scarce. Just as the textbook states, anything that has an insufficient amount or supply, in this case it's water.


I never really took the time to consider how important water is to us and our everyday lives. Water is what functions everything in a washroom, keep us hydrated and is sometimes wasted. We need and demand more water then the available supply. After reading this article i've learned that water is not only important to our modern conveniences but also in other countries, it is used to function power plants for cooling and generation purposes. I find it interesting how water is used for so much more than to comfort thirst. It's a amazing that countries in Asia are using water in such a useful way other than watering a lawn.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hey Google, Anybody Home?


Google is seen as the web's most popular search engine but it doesn't even have proper customer service. Nexus One, the latest touch-screen smartphone, was developed and branded by Google and is sold directly by the company to customers. People who have recently bought this phone tried using Google's mobile operating system, Android, but had a hard time fixing problems with their handset. Google was more accustomed to providing little support for its free services. It has been unprepared to deal with the high service expectations of custmers. Because of this, customer forums have been filled with complains about the Nexus One. Complaints such as being unable to call Google for help and the company warns that it make take up to 48 hours to respond to email messages. Some people haven't even heard from the actual people either. Even though it is the webs most popular search engine, Google does not appear to have built a significant infrastructure to provide customer support. There is no phone number for support, for example and customers who send an e-mail message may wait for days to hear back. Katie Watson, a Google spokeswoman, said no one was available to speak about the service problems. But in an e-mail statement, she said, “Solving customer support issues is extremely important to us.” Andy Rubin, Google vice president, announced last week that the company needed to improve. “We have to get better at customer service,” Mr. Rubin said during an on-stage interview at the Customer Electronics Show. Instead of taking three days to respond to e-mail messages, he said, “We have to close that three-day gap to a couple of hours.” But Mr. Rubin said that the release of the Nexus One had gone smoothly. With the Nexus One, Google aims to extend the reach of its Android operating system for mobile phones. And it hopes to eventually change the retail model of the cellphone market in the United States by becoming a major seller of Android phones made by various manufacturers. But if that is the goal, it will need to impose a better customer support strategy, Mr. Ganguly said.


The marketing book says that customer service is a form of assistance or a service offered to customers by a retailer in order to maintain existing business or to attract new business. Also, to provide customers with information, offering price, service and quality gurantees. Google fails to meet this customer service expectation. Google does not have a proper form of assistance or a service that is offered to customers. Customers are complaing that Google doesn't even reply to emails and doesn't have a phone number for them to call for techincal help. They are not providing any information for customers that are having problems with their Next One smart-phone. Their service isn't even proper service, customers are struggling with trying to reach Google for help. Customer shouldn't need to struggle, finding help should come easy but Google lacks this. Google states that "solving customer support issues is extremely important to us," but they fail to reach do what they say. Their bad customer service is leading them to customer complaints and bad impressions.


I find it silly how google can't do something as simple as giving proper customer service. Isn't the first step in building a business to attract and help customers to their needs? Google, I'm sure has been running for a long time, now that they are expanding their business to something like developing a new phone, they should be more efficient with their policies and customer services. I'm sure Google has enough money to hire people to provide customer service. Reading this article gives me a different impression on Google, I now see them as a company that just wants to attract people and gain more business but not caring about customers after they purchase their merchandise. They care only about how much they sell and not about helping their customers that are having problems with their products. I personally think that in order to have a sucessful business, the first thing you deal with is how you're customers will think of you and how you will help your customers with their needs. If you can't satisfy the customer then in the end you'll just lose that customer. You have to work hard to get what you want, but you also have to remember that even if you got what you worked hard for you should still work hard and keeping it. Google is working hard at getting their customers but they are not working hard at trying to keep their customers satisfied.